Making the objectively best choice for side-stream resources

One of the current and near future challenges for societies is how to solve accesses to affordable and sustainable food sources for the rising world population.

It is a challenge that involves many complex decision scenarios relating to low yields and the underutilization of our food resources.

One such scenario is the underutilization of side-streams in the seafood industry, which is brought about by a combination of complex decision issues such as: processing methods, storage methods, logistics, technical viability, status quo mindset and the attitude of the decision maker.

These issues can lead to decision maker biases in the decision process, which can reduce the objectivity of the process and cause a wrong decision to made, in both environmental and economic sustainability terms.

In a new study published with support from WaSeaBi the authors Søren Espersen Schrøder, David San Martín Errea, Giuseppe Foti, Monica Gutierrez, Bruno Iñarra Chastagnol, Prof. J. Rasmus Nielsen and Erling P. Larsen propose and verify a novel bias identification and debiasing framework to be used in Multi-Criteria-Decision-Making tools to achieve better objectivity in such underutilization scenarios by minimizing the impact of decision maker biases.

Read the article "Making the objectively best choice for side-stream resources—Verification of a debiasing method based on cognitive maps and attribute substitution", which is available for free online here.