A member of WaSeaBi receives the Junior Researcher Award from AOCS

We are delighted to announce that the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) has selected Haizhou Wu from Chalmers University of Technology, as the sole winner of the 2022 AOCS Lipid Oxidation and Quality (LOQ) Junior Researcher Award.

Haizhou Wu experimenting with a dipping technology. Haizhou Wu was also selected as the winner of 2021 European Young Lipid Scientist Award. Photo: Haizhou Wu/Chalmers University of Technology

The award consists of a certificate, up to a US $1,000 travel allowance, a complimentary LOQ Division Dinner ticket, and a presentation as part of the hybrid 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Dr. Wu will present his studies “Lipid oxidation in sorted herring (Clupea harengus) filleting co-products and its relationship to composition” May 4, 2022, in Atlanta, USA.

Haizhou points out that some of the results achieved in the work related to WaSeaBi have contributed to this award.

The Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division Early Career Travel Grant assists junior-level researchers in presenting their work at the AOCS Annual Meeting, as well as encourages them to become active in the Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division and the Society. The maximum number of individual grants given per year is limited to three.

Learn more about the Junior Researcher Award here.